I have been going around to some of the regualr chat rooms on Skype that I am participating in. Many are full of excitement today. It is really incredible!
And it is all over the launch of a new social networking site that has so many offerings coming up it will outdo Facebook!
Soft launch for those who already have a free profile in one hour. 72 hours later, public launch.
You can make the most money from it by getting in now, before the public gets a chance. step 1 create your free profile here now! without one, you have to wait.
Beautiful Scenes, Beautiful music, One can easily understand the sentiment without knowing the words. A good friend sent me the link for this beautiul piece.
I listened to the music and watched the pictures and felt a great peace come over me. It made all my problems seem small in the overall cosmic universe we all live in. I don't feel small, but now my problems do. I know I can make my problems go away if I want to. Truly inspiring.
The monetary issues are always there for me. I owe, I owe, so off to work I used to go. I don't do that any more. I work from my home. I love being able to go down to the creek and watch the geese, both the wild ones and the tame ones we own.
The geese have a lot to teach us. The wild ones have picked a quiet spot in our yard, along the creekbank, to have their babies and raise them. The tame ones accept the food we leave for them and lay eggs for us. They expect the food to be there. It is my choice to feed them or not. I choose to feed them because of the eggs I get in return. Even the wild geese accept the food, but they do not leave their eggs, they leave lessons in raising young.
Taking these lessons, I am changing the way I do internet marketing. It is not ok to push my businesses on to the whole world and say "Buy This Now!". That makes me greedy and forceful, but gets me nothing in return. I don't want to be a greedy, money grubber. I want to be helpful. I want to share. I want to inspire you to grow and succeed too.
This link will take you to an easy matrix. One that will earn for you because we will help you make it work. If you cannot afford it, let me know. I can get some help for you.
This link will take you to a font of educational materials, a customizable set of splash pages for your chosen business, a selection of businesses if you can't find one you like, and a wealth of information in the form of ebooks, videos, helpful people, tutorials, and everything you need to get started and succeed. Includng a 15day startup plan that has worked for me!
Sunshine. I just love sunshine! Nothing makes me happier than sunshine.
So have I said it enough times? Sunshine has that ability to calm nerves, inspire action, cheer up the blues, and so much more. When I get up in the morning and the sun is shining, I have more motivation to get things accomplished. I can check my emails, respond to those that require one, and still feel like surfing. But then, the sun moves up a little more and all I want to do is go out there and walk in the warmth.
I have the freedom to do that because I have found a couple of very good opportunities to obtain multiple streams of income. Without those, I would not have the freedom to walk in the sunshine.
The one I like most is one that allows me to teach others as well as learn more myself. I love to learn and I really love to help others learn too. I love it when a plan comes together. With this program, or maybe I should call it a slate of programs, I have many choices.
This one is called Global Communications resources pages.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
The other one is really a treasure, it allows me to share with everyone what I feel, what I want, and how to get to a better place.
If you wuld like a free book, just get back to me and I will send you one! The princess's story is such a wonderful tale. Very inspirational.
Once these ops are working for you, you also will have the time to walk in the sunshine and enjoy your wonderful life.