Friday, August 7, 2009


Just browsing around this morning and I checked a site I had not read in a while. On it I found some comments about Derik's case that I had not read before. I was especially intrigued by the new posts by Derik's fiancee, Jasminda. I know she could write, but was suprised by her eloquence in this one! Way to go Jasminda! Here is the blog if you would like to read what she says:

It is extremely hard in Canada to get a wrongful convicton overturned. We may never be able to do that.

My biggest issue with the system of incarceration we have here is the lack of parole availability. Our Parole Board states over and over that he will not see the outside of a prison without confessing to the crime. That volates the Criminal Code of Canada, is against the National Parole Board's own policies, flies in the face of the agreements Canada has signed with other countries under the United Nations umbrella, and is just not fair.

Derik, because he has family and friends who support him, has been able to stay away from the bad things that happen in our prisons on a regular basis. For example, he has not started using drugs, which are so readily available inside our prisons. Other prisoners have told me drugs are not only more avalable, they are cheaper than on the street. Drugs are the biggest problem inside our prisons. Management tries many things to solve the issue, but the roadblocks set up by the Guard's Union keep the measures from being more effective. Sure searching visitors catches some of the drugs being brought in, but not searching the gym bags and other containers brought in by guards gives a large avenue of importation that is not being closed off.

The only way to stop that door is to remove guards from the front entrances and replace them with a different security force such as the Commissionaires. That way, union members are not searching other union members. It would close a very large portal for getting contraband into the prisons.

The lack of family support becomes more apparent when we attend social events in the prisons. I have been approached by many prisoners who have not seen any family members or friends since being incarcerated. There are many reasons for this, but from what I have seen, visiting is not encouraged by the system. Although they give mouth to a great policy and openness for visiting, in actual practice, it does not happen easily. My husband has not seen his son for nearly 3 years now because they do not like his words. He writes letters to upper anagement noting obvious, glaring errors in the functioning of the visitng process. Because he embarrasses them, he is not allowed to visit. Derik has even been told to shut his father up and he might get parole! What a farce!

I can't help everyone, but I have supported some men who finally were able to gain parole. All except one have stayed out because they had someone to talk to outside of the prison environment. Someone who could give advice, support ( not with money) and just be friendly. These men are doing fine now. workng, supporting themselves and in some cases, their families, participating in outreach activties in the prisons, and more. Many more helpful people are needed in order to reduce Canada's growing prison population. Our Federal Government and its policies make it a very hard place to be.

Please write our Prime Minister
Stephen HARPER
Office of the Prime Minister of Canada,
Parliament Buildings,

Coach Elouise
Skype coach_elouise

Friday, July 3, 2009

Tribal business concept

I have been learning about community marketing. It is not social marketing. It is not traditional marketing. It is a totally new concept that makes a world of difference in how and what you can market. is my site in the Cagora community marketing world. I have just begun setting it up with content. Ads, especially for local business comes next, then whatever else I and my future partners can discover and add.

Watch it grow over time.

Coach Elouise
Skype coach_elouise

Community Marketing merges social networking with commerce. It's a brand new innovation that's a little like facebook,ebay,and wikipedia combined. The best of niche marketing coupled with real offline brick and mortar businesses.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I believe

Sometimes you cannot believe what you read, or hear, or even say! But there are things that you can always believe:

Here is my list, add to it if you like.

Things you should believe

A Birth Certificate shows we were born

A Death Certificate shows we died

Pictures show we lived!

Have a seat...Relax. ..And read this slowly.

I Believe...
Just because two people argue,
Doesn't mean they don't love each other.
And just because they don't argue,
Doesn't mean they do love each other.

I Believe....

We don't have to change friends if
We understand friends change.

I Believe....
No matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt
You every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

I Believe...
True friendship continues to grow, even over
The longest distance. Same goes for true love.

I Believe...
You can do something in an instant
That will give you heartache for life.

I Believe...
it's taking me a long time
To become the person I want to be.

I Believe...
You should always leave loved ones with
Loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

I Believe...
You can keep going long after you think you can't.

I Believe...
We are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I Believe...
Either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I Believe...
Heroes are the people who do what has to be done
When it needs to be done, regardless of consequences.

I Believe...
Money is a lousy way of keeping score.

I Believe...
My best friend and I can do anything or nothing

And have the best time.

I Believe...
Sometimes the people you expect to kick you
When you're down will be the ones to help you get back up.

I Believe...
Sometimes when I'm angry, I have the right to be angry,
But that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I Believe...
Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had
And what you'v e learned from them, and less to do
With how many birthdays you've celebrated.

I Believe...
It isn't always enough to be forgiven by others;
Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself..

I Believe...
No matter how bad your heart is broken,

The world doesn't stop for your grief.

I Believe...
Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are,
But we are responsible for who we become.

I Believe...
You shouldn't be so eager to find
Out a secret. It could change your life forever.

I Believe...
Two people can look at the exact same
Thing and see something totally different..

I Believe...
Your life can be changed in a matter of
Hours by people who don't even know you.

I Believe...
Even when you think you have no more to give, when
A friend cries out to you - you will find the strength to help.

I Believe...
Credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.

I Believe...
The people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.

I Believe.....
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
They just make the most of anything

And that is what I am trying so hard to do. I don't want everything in the world, just enough of what I need to be happy. I don't need much.

Coach Elouise
Skype coach_elouise

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Message from a Friend

I received this poem from a friend today. She reminded me of the one flaw in women that can hold them back from higher achievements. When I read it I realized the truth. We were made to place everyone else above ourselves. In order to do really well in business, we have to develop our own sense of self worth, because without that, we will not progress.

One Flaw In Women

Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they
think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart..

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what
makes the world keep turning.

They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.

Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.


I know I am worth a lot to my family and my friends, because they tell me that. I sometimes neglect to say that I am worth what I want too. That is changing for me today.

Coach Elouise
Skype coach_elouise

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I think I have fixed the hacker issues on my computer.

Well, I think I have finally gotten all the bugs caused by the hacker fixed. Two attacks! persistent little devil.

note: my new Skype id that is now available for you all to contact me is coach_elouise. I tried to keep something close to what people are used to seeing on my sites. I sure hope none of you got any of the extremely rude messages the hacker was sending out for a couple of days. If you did, I apologize as they were not from the real me! I do not speak to people that way, especially friends.

Now we can get on with the rest of our lives.

This is an excerpt from an email I received today from one of my daughters. It really touched my soul.

From: GOD
Reference: LIFE

This is God. Today I will be handling All of your problems for you. I do Not need your help. So, have a nice day.
I love you.

P.S. And, remember...
If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do Not attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours.

Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

If you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't despair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.

Should you have a bad day at work; think of the man who has been out of work for years.

Should you despair over a relationship gone bad; think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return.

Should you grieve the passing of another weekend; think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her children.

Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance; think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.

Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror; think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.

Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking what is my purpose? Be thankful. There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.

Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities; remember, things could be worse. You could be one of them!

Should you decide to send this to a friend; Thank you. You may have touched their life in ways you will never know!
Now, you have a nice day...God

You won't get an actual email like this from God, but isn't it nice to know He is there to help? God is different for many people and faiths. He has many names in different parts of the world, but He is still the Creator and in touch with all of us.

Not everyone believes in God, but even if you don't believe it is comforting to know there is someone or something watching over us. I personally do believe in God, although I do not go to church. I feel him watching over and protecting me even when I do not pray.

If it is not God watching over me, then it must be some other great spirit. or the collective spirit of mankind. There are still so many things we do not know about the universe and our part in it. Let us keep the open mind we have searching for the truth and learning as much as we can.

Coach Elouise
Skype coach_elouise
Email: go here for a treasure hunt! check this one and ask me for a free book.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Skype virus

The Skype Virus is BACK! It got me this weekend. I am incommunicado at the moment and will be up soon with a new id. Watch for me

Coach Elouise

Friday, May 8, 2009


I have been going around to some of the regualr chat rooms on Skype that I am participating in. Many are full of excitement today. It is really incredible!

And it is all over the launch of a new social networking site that has so many offerings coming up it will outdo Facebook!

Soft launch for those who already have a free profile in one hour. 72 hours later, public launch.

You can make the most money from it by getting in now, before the public gets a chance.
step 1 create your free profile here now! without one, you have to wait.

Write down my name as your sponsor.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Want to know more?

Contact me!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sharing is Natural.

Beautiful Scenes, Beautiful music, One can easily understand the sentiment without knowing the words. A good friend sent me the link for this beautiul piece.

I listened to the music and watched the pictures and felt a great peace come over me. It made all my problems seem small in the overall cosmic universe we all live in. I don't feel small, but now my problems do. I know I can make my problems go away if I want to. Truly inspiring.

The monetary issues are always there for me. I owe, I owe, so off to work I used to go. I don't do that any more. I work from my home. I love being able to go down to the creek and watch the geese, both the wild ones and the tame ones we own.

The geese have a lot to teach us. The wild ones have picked a quiet spot in our yard, along the creekbank, to have their babies and raise them. The tame ones accept the food we leave for them and lay eggs for us. They expect the food to be there. It is my choice to feed them or not. I choose to feed them because of the eggs I get in return. Even the wild geese accept the food, but they do not leave their eggs, they leave lessons in raising young.

Taking these lessons, I am changing the way I do internet marketing. It is not ok to push my businesses on to the whole world and say "Buy This Now!". That makes me greedy and forceful, but gets me nothing in return. I don't want to be a greedy, money grubber. I want to be helpful. I want to share. I want to inspire you to grow and succeed too.

This link will take you to an easy matrix. One that will earn for you because we will help you make it work. If you cannot afford it, let me know. I can get some help for you.

This link will take you to a font of educational materials, a customizable set of splash pages for your chosen business, a selection of businesses if you can't find one you like, and a wealth of information in the form of ebooks, videos, helpful people, tutorials, and everything you need to get started and succeed. Includng a 15day startup plan that has worked for me!

Tell me what you think of it:

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

or just leave a comment on my blog.

If you would like a free book, let me know that too.

PS. Did you like the music?

Friday, May 1, 2009


Sunshine. I just love sunshine! Nothing makes me happier than sunshine.

So have I said it enough times? Sunshine has that ability to calm nerves, inspire action, cheer up the blues, and so much more. When I get up in the morning and the sun is shining, I have more motivation to get things accomplished. I can check my emails, respond to those that require one, and still feel like surfing. But then, the sun moves up a little more and all I want to do is go out there and walk in the warmth.

I have the freedom to do that because I have found a couple of very good opportunities to obtain multiple streams of income. Without those, I would not have the freedom to walk in the sunshine.

The one I like most is one that allows me to teach others as well as learn more myself. I love to learn and I really love to help others learn too. I love it when a plan comes together. With this program, or maybe I should call it a slate of programs, I have many choices.

This one is called Global Communications resources pages.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

The other one is really a treasure, it allows me to share with everyone what I feel, what I want, and how to get to a better place.

If you wuld like a free book, just get back to me and I will send you one! The princess's story is such a wonderful tale. Very inspirational.

Once these ops are working for you, you also will have the time to walk in the sunshine and enjoy your wonderful life.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Thursday, April 23, 2009

John Ralston Saul

I went to listen to the annual multicultural lecture at the Chan Theatre at University of British Columbia last night. It was very interesting for me being a Canadian. My ancesters were among the very first to settle this great country. I always wondered why Canada's relations with its Aboriginal peoples was so much better than our neighbours.

Our neighbours and many other countries settled the same way treated Aboriginals like they were the interlopers. Aboriginals were pushed out of the way for immigrants to take the land and resources. Maybe not right away, but as soon as the European settlers became numerous enough to survive without help, they did so.

Canada's early settlers would not have survived their first winter without the help of the Aboriginal peoples in the area. That they did survive is a testiment to them, and a testiment to the Aboriginal peoples who taught them what was safe to eat, how to make a shelter from the cold, and so much more. Canada began right off the hop with a dialogue, a conversation with the native peoples.

John Saul talked abut all this, and especially how Canada has 3 legs that it stands on. The French, The English and Loyalists, and the Aboriginals. His main theme is that as long as all three legs remain strong, so will the country.

I agree with him for the most part, but I have noticed a decline in the conversation. I don't believe that the newest generations of immigrants to Canada are being properly included in the conversation. I am seeing a lot more influence to Canada's great culture by relatively large groups of other immigrants. There is no conversation between these new groups and the three founding legs. We are losing our special bond between all Canadians by leaving these groups out of the conversation.

Canada cannot take steps that will lead us to the types of rulings and laws that are enforced in other nations. We have to continue the conversations with all our groups included in order not to lose the orality of our nation. We must keep the conversations open and active. We must keep the conversations flowing.

Canada will not survive as we know and love it if we start only looking at written laws and rules. Our Aboriginals did not write laws, they negotiated them amongst the group. When my ancesters came to join this marvelous land, they tried to ring the written laws with them. They would write reports back to England and France, but not all was told in the written reports. The oral conversations were not reported. The far away masters thought they knew everything, but they did not. The ongoing conversations between the peoples involved led to a peaceful co-existence, There was no need for a large government to tell everyone what their jobs were. There was a great co-operation and working together for surviva of the peoples involved.

That is what we need to get back to. I don't mean fur trade, or anything like that, I mean we need to keep the conversations going and involving everyone to keep this country as stable as it has been all these hundreds of years.

To keep my conversations going, I use Skype and Message Magic.
Skype is free, Message Magic enhances it like you would not believe.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Social Revolution.

I have found a new way to get a steady income from the internet and help others do it too. It is set up to also include charities in earning support monies.

Spreading the word about our exciting new style of website, where the people of the world earn real money for themselves or their favorite cause, learn new things, meet others, make a difference and pursue their hobbies and interests, all in the one spot.

It's going to be the first global network of 25,000+ Local and Special Interest Worlds: Each is a One Stop 'Authority Community' where the 'wisdom of the crowd' helps you find the products, services and information you want - without the sweat.

We're taking a 'Web 2.0' approach to build an alternative to the Search Engines and Social Networks, where people like you create the content, spread the word and share in the traffic and profits created.

come and visit, then let me know what you think.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Funnel system to make you wealthy.

I have discovered a great way to combine all your business in one spot. It is called GCTResources. Works great for educating yourself too.

There are loads of free ebooks that you can download and use to enhance your skills.
There are training videos. There are splash pages you can set up in minutes and use. There are mentors available to help you and offer advice. There are top marketers waiting to be of service anytime. They are world wide. They have multiple streams of income. It is a win-win situation for everyone who joins.

Check it out, go through the free areas for training. My business has exploded since I started using this. My conversion rate is way up too.

What have you got to lose?

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The trouble with Snow

I should have known it was going to be a bad day when I left the house I had spent the night at, late for meeting up with prison staff, and with a new route to follow that I had not tried before, and discovered it was snowing!!
So far, every time it has snowed this winter, something has gone awry. This time I was concerned about my son’s parole hearing. That is where I was headed. Following the new route Steven had given me, I actually made it to the appointment with 30 seconds to spare. Despite the blowing snow and the winding twisty road I drove.
Made it safely, so now we wait. The prison staff put us upstairs in the main office building, in the board room, to wait. About a half hour later, Derik's IPO (internal parole officer) Marion Higgins, brought him upstairs to sit with us. We just had a general conversation in which Marion told us a bit of the history behind the place. William Head Institution had first been built as a quarantine area for new immigrants from the Orient. Many Chinese and Japanese immigrants did not make it out of there. Those who were or became ill and died are buried in a corner of the property that is maintained as a Canadian Heritage site by the Federal Government. I felt it would be very interesting to take a walk around there, but this was not the day.
The prison began as a minimum security camp with no fences, then became medium security wit a three roll barbed wire fence cutting it off from the rest of the penninsula. Now, it is a minimum again, but the fence is still there. Parole hearings are a regular occurrence as prisoners serving long sentences, like Derik, has the right to have one every 2 years once they reach a minimum length of time served. For Derik, that time was 10 years. He has now been in prison for 17 years, but has not gained any release yet. We were hoping for something this time, but not really expecting anything like full parole.
Because the prison is located on the tip of a penninsula, we walked down to the visiting room, where the hearing was being held, in the rain, not snow. The 3 members of the board were already seated. The assistant got the IPO from Derik's previous institution on the phone and then the members of the press (6) and the relatives of the victims (8) were brought in and seated behind us. We had to face the board, his current IPO sitting with us, and were not permitted to turn around to see the people being seated behind us. There was a significant distance between the groups to prevent any possibility of interaction. Derik had pointed out to the prison staff that one of the relatives had physically assaulted me at one of our many court appearances, so that was one reason for the caution, and the larger room than was normally used.
The hearing started as it usually did with the board members wanting to discuss his crime. That part was naturally short as Derik still maintains that he is innocent. Even after such a long time in prison, he will not make up a confession. He is maintaining his innocence while assuring his continued incarceration. The next part was longer. Going back to his childhood, they wanted to know if his father was controlling. One statement they questioned is that I have to call him before I leave the house. I explained later, when I had a chance to speak, that we both did that. In our opinion, it made sense that someone know where you are in case something happened. At the very least, it gives a starting point for a search should someone not make it home. We kept in close touch with each other and with our children for that reason. I am sure some people might call us controlling, but we always knew where our children were and when to expect them home.
The chairperson also appeared to fixate on the fact that, as a boy, he carried a pocket knife. Derik explained that based on his rural upbringing for the first 13 years of his life. Nearly every boy carried a pocket knife in a rural area. You never knew when you might want to whittle a sling shot fork, or cut some binder twine to save an animal's life, or any other emergency fix. I don't think that the city people really understood that.
Once they were done questioning Derik, then it was my turn to speak on his behalf. I tried to give an eloquent testimonial on his progress since going to prison, expecially in the past few years. Derik had ended the questioning telling them about the programs he took, the effort he made to understand his behaviour, the self help books he read and worked through, the issues he had identified on his own and worked through, and the relationship he had been building with his fiancee over the past 9 years. I did an overview of the incarceration as a ping pong type of relationship building. They would tease him with a program and then say he did not fit the profile and yank it away. This happened 14 times. Most times he was screened out because he already had the skills they were trying to teach. For a couple of them, he was screened out as not being violent enough, and not willing to confess to the crime for which he is innocent. Finally, they had to give him one. Ottawa had to override the requirements to get him in there, but Derik worked very hard at getting the most benefit from the program as he could. However, the Parole Board did not believe that it was enough. Following my input, 2 of the relatives read impact statements. One was a very emotional short statement about the love lost when one sister died. The other one was a rant. He told the board that Derik should get out only after he received training to get a job and had the conditions put on him to repay the costs of his imprisonment.
Then Derik had the last word.
We were all ushered out in the reverse order than being ushered in, once again to avoid any contact between the 2 groups of people. The waiting began again. Suddenly, the phone rang and we were once again being summoned to the meeting room. There we got the decision. Day parole denied. Full parole denied.
I requested direction from the board members, and the only response was to continue with making improvements like he had been most recently. Once again, we left, ushered out in groups. We had another half hour visit with Derik and his IPO while the relatives were leaving the grounds. It was a good unwinding session. Both of us were on the verge of tears, relief that it was over and release of the tension.
Stopping just past the prison property, we gane an interview to CBC and GlobalTV news, once again standing in the rain as it changed back into snow. Arriving at the climic where my daughter works, it was now hailing ferociously. And again, following a great dinner with my daughter and granddaughter, I was driving in a near blinding snow storm.
A 30 minute drive, a 60 minute wait, an hour and a half ferry ride, and I was on the highway home. Surprise! Another snow storm on this side too! Two hours of that messy highway driving and I was finally back home. Snow and ice the entire way!
It is now April 2. No longer April Fools Day. At 2 am the snow is stopping and turning again to rain. Thank God that Day is over!

Elouise Lord,
mother, teacher, paralegal, writer, speaker, driver, facilitator, etc.

PS, next time it snows, I am not going anywhere!

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Web Hosting for Marketers

Get Paid to Host Your Website

Cool domain hosting promotion tools, webmaster tools, massive referral program with proven income opportunity.

The 10K Global Family! $10/month WEB HOSTING...Turn YOUR business into $10,000 income!! JOIN the 10K Global Family today!!

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10K will bring you Professional, Affordable and Quality Web Hosting. Here at 10KHosting, we offer everything larger companies do and even more, but for only a fraction of the cost. All of our customers enjoy our 24/7 support via live chat and helpdesk, 99.5% Uptime Guarantee! We hope you enjoy your stay and decide to give us a try.

The Web Host 4 Marketers
Explode Your Internet Profits With Our Features. Tons of Extras 4 Internet Marketers. Discover a host that pays you more than you pay them

Hit a dead end? Is no one interested in what you do? Having a hard time finding people to promote to? Is money tight? Discover 10KHosting web Services
$10/month Web Hosting, E-Books, 24/7 Support, Marketing Secrets, Access to Free advertising site, E-Tools, etc.. JOIN 10kFamily Today! Recruiting & Referrals commissions are optional!
Get paid for hosting, join the best marketing web host on the internet. Visit this link today:

$10 to $10k - Work together as a team to make a long-term income.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shopping is the new Drug?

Researchers at Germany's Bonn University discovered
that spending money acts similar to a drug, because it
activates the brain's reward centers. Hence, spending
provides immediate, but short-term gratification and
will require continuous repetition of the same behavior
to maintain the high. Well, it's safe to say that these
classroom academics don't get out much, because I
could've told you that 5-years ago, when I began
marketing online, but let's get back to focus.

Now, the average average networker, entrepreneur and
RESELLER, also recognized that spending can be addictive
like a drug especially, when the customer is receiving great
value for the dollar. Successful business owners know and
understand the behavior of their customers, because they
have invested the time and money into developing a relationship
with them. After all, people only spend money continuously
with others they TRUST.

Now, our industry of Networtk Marketing is the art &
science of empowering, communicating and connecting with
others based upon their needs. Out of control spending with no
benefit for the money invested is definitely problematic and
requiring a cure or solution. Firstly, to solve a problem
you need to examine the MINDSET of the individual(s) experiencing the problem.

People with Millionaire Mindset maintain a thinking pattern
that seeks a solution to a problem. So, to overcome a problem,
one must change the way one thinks about it. Now, wealth-
generation requires a mindset that consists of finding the
solution so as to reverse the problem of “having more
money leaving your pockets than coming in”.

The solution I propose is simple and affordable. Firstly,
window, because a Millionaire Mindset believes success
is a matter of following a proven process of rules with
consistent effort and belief (sort of like a science for wealth-generation)
until success is achieved.

So, Let me introduce you to an online opportunity that provides
not only good sales values, but pays you to learn how to do it. How does that sound so far?

If you like that then, hold on, because there is more that
should appeal to your appetite for effective wealth-generation.
This opportunity is a set of businesses in one. First, it is an excellent training guide complete with step by step instructions, samples, how to's and much more. It is a complete business in a box with pre-written sales letters, ads, lists of plaes to place the ads, soe free, some not, and along with all that, ebooks that you can download free to learn even more. Also included in the low monthly fee is a complete set of splash pages and an autoresponder, lead collection and emailing capabilities. These ads, splash pages, autoresponder letters, etc. are completely adaptable to any other business you are already in.

Does generating UNLIMITED payouts motivate you to take action in a business where the monthly fee is $30 dollars? If yes, then, our compensation plan
is perfect for YOU. TAKE ACTION, NOW!!!!

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

PS: New income streams and tools are being added constantly as the owners are extremely motivated to help everyone succeed.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why Calling Something A Scam Is A Scam.

Mar 25
Why Calling Something A Scam Is A Scam.

This is a topic I have wanted to write about for many years but was worried I may “offend” some people. I no longer care. Over the last five years I have purchased about $100,000 worth of information online. I did this to stay ahead of the curve and improve my odds on being successful. In the last year I have started to notice that almost every author I buy from has someone calling them a “scam”. How is it possible that every known expert on the internet is a “scam”?

I started to do some research. I randomly picked some people who have affected my life in a positive way. I did a Google search on

Anthony Robbins- apparently he is a scam. He has only sold millions of books and helped untold amounts of people.

Donald Trump- Self made billionaire, tv show host, best selling author. Guess what also called a scam.

Oprah - Self made billionaire and super philanthropist. Also called a scam. Impossible you say? More like unbelievable.

Now just for fun I thought I would enter the search term Mother Theresa. There is no way that someone could call an icon, a person of such amazing levels of compassion, a saint, a scam is there? Wrong. There is actually a website that calls her a fraud and an evil person. That one blew my mind.

How could all these people and there businesses be a scam? The truth is….they aren’t. The true scammer is the person writing the article about them.

Now I am not saying that there aren’t illegal or illigitimate businesses out there. There are. But not anywhere close to as many as you think. At least 98% of people and businesses that are of accused being a scam are being improperly labeled. Here are the three reasons why calling something a scam is a scam.

1) People take zero responsibility for the decisions they make. Then they buy some information or start a business and when it doesn,t work for them they call it a scam. Did they do the research? Did they follow the instructions? Were they under capitalized? There are so many reasons why a person can fail and 99% of them are there fault.

2) They want to “ride the coat tails”. This means they have something they want to sell and they leverage the successful person’s traffic to get people to there website. If you ever see someone selling something right after they trash a person on there site then understand it is a marketing tactic. It has zero credibility.

3) Consumer protection-like sites. These are the biggest scammers out there. Most of owners cannot even be found for a reason. They are constantly being sued for slander but if you can’t find them you can’t sting them. They allow uneducated people to whine and complain about people and companies without verifying the validity of anything. You could even go on these sites as an employee of a company and randomly trash your competition….without anyone verifying the truth. So why do these sites exist? So the owners can sell advertising spots on there website. They are cockroaches. Plain and simple.

I hope this article gets passed around to millions of people. I want to educate everyone on how ridiculous things are getting. If you have a bad experience with something then ask yourself if you could have done something more.


Because that is how you learn. If you never take any responsibility for your failures then it makes it almost impossible to succeed. Look at the people who have the results you want and copy them. Don’t rip them down.

Don’t be a coward and call them a scam.

Aaron Parkinson

A friend passed this article on to me and asked to have it published. I agreed because it hits the spot. If someone does not like the way a person does business, calling him/her a scam artist is the quickest way to destroy someone's credibility. It is extremely hard to recover from such an accusation.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Monday, March 23, 2009

National Friendship Week

A very good friend sent this to me today. I loved reading it. I can just picture Andy Rooney in his raspy voice reading each one of them.

How can we tell who is a friend?

If you can talk to the about anything, ask them to keep your secret, share your joys and sadness with them, then you have a friend.


Please read all the way to the bottom: If you will take the time to read these, I promise you'll come away with an enlightened perspective. The subjects covered affect us all on a daily basis:

They're written by Andy Rooney, a man who has the gift of saying so much with so few words. Enjoy.......

I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.

I've learned.... That when you're in love, it shows.

I've learned.... That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my day!' makes my day.

I've learned.... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.

I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being right.

I've learned.... That you should never say no to a gift from a child.

I've learned.... That I can always pray for someone when I don't havethe strength to help him in some other way.

I've learned.... That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.

I've learned.... That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

I've learned.... That simple walks with my father around the block onsummer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.

I've learned.... That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I've learned.... That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.

I've learned.... That money doesn't buy class.

I've learned.... That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

I've learned.... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.

I've learned.... That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I've learned.... That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I've learned.... That love, not time, heals all wounds.

I've learned.... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

I've learned.... That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.

I've learned.... That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.

I've learned.... That life is tough, but I'm tougher.

I've learned.... That opportunities are never lost, someone will take the ones you miss.

I've learned.... That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

I've learned.... That I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her one more time before she passed away.

I've learned.... That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.

I've learned.... That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

I've learned.... That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life.

I've learned.... That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.

I've learned.... That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.

To all of you.... Make sure you read all the way down to the last sentence.

It's National Friendship Week. Show your friends how much you care. Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND, even if it means sending it back to the person who sent it to you. If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP WEEK TO YOU!!!!!! YOU ARE MY FRIEND AND I AM HONORED!

Now send this to every friend you have!! And to your family.

This was sent to me by a friend.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Saturday, March 21, 2009

10k Matrix - What a surprise!

A good friend proposed that I join this as it would grow exponentially. My first thought was "I have heard this before." But since Mehmood is so successful online, I joined.

To my surprise, with only a little free advertising, I was bringing in $30. per month. I did not contnue advertising, and my earnings have gone up to $48.00 per month. In 2 months, that is truly unexpectedgrowth!

There is a new branch, 10k downline builder. You have to get into this one. Don't wait! This one is really exploding. For 1 $20. deposit,you get 3 positions in the matrix. Your downline expands exponentially and earning will grow like crazy.

I love the camaraderie in the chat room on Skype that we all meet in. I have never had such a great business opportunity. I love it and the guys who started it. I should adopt them.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Multiple Streams of Income

Multiple Streams of Income Vs. Program Jumping

This is a huge topic and is one that you must completely understand. Otherwise, you will get ripped off and lose a lot of money. Let me explain what multiple streams of income are and what they are not. Multiple streams of Income are a concept that many millionaires use to have many revenue avenues. Michael Corcoran, who was the founder of the first multiple income stream marketing system on the internet in 2001, would agree with this concept.

When Mike Corcoran created the first Multiple income stream marketing system, he never imagined how so many people would take advantage of this concept and use it against you to rip you off. Before I get into detail about the ways that these so called "internet Guru’s" are taking advantage of you, I’ll get into the way it was intended to be used.

Multiple income streams was intended for a person to start a business with one company, affiliate program, MLM or direct sales company. It was intended for a person to master one program, have success with it for a minimum of one to two years and then add another business to the portfolio when, and only when, the first business was running on autopilot. While still running the first business, putting little time into it because it was running so well, focus a little more time and money into the second business to get that one up to speed where it was duplicating the results of the first business. This is how you can double your results. Like, I said, it usually would take a year or two to get a business and multiple incomes up to the level where they were running on autopilot.

If you have spent many years developing the above strategy, it is alright to add a third or a fourth business to the portfolio as long as you maintained the original businesses. Adding more than one business to your portfolio in less than a year just proves that person is not focused and says a lot about their character. Having a total of more than 3-4 businesses in a portfolio just means that a person is simply a program jumper and is out to take your money.

Program jumping is becoming more and more popular these days from these so called "internet guru’s". This is a typical case in which someone is a program jumper. Watch out for these people. If someone has joined three programs in 6 months time, they are a program jumper. Program jumping makes sense for the leader of jump. They usually say things like "Bran New" or "Get in Early" or "This one is so much better". The truth is, they take all the followers from program to program to program. They make excuses of why they left to old program to find another one. The truth is, they have suckered all the people they can sucker into the first program and their income is suffering, so they say they’ve found a better mouse trap over here, so come and join me over here and you’ll make a ton of money with me over here….I know people who have joined 5 programs in 7 months. Anytime a new program came on the market, they were in it, suckered all the people they could into it until the next new program came about.

I know several people, who on the outside look great, but jump ship every two months. They put together training packages, marketing tools such as capture pages and auto responders, professionally written letters, etc. They look like a leader until you pay them $1000 for program A, then another $1000 for program B, the $1500 for program C and so on. Pretty soon, they are rich, you’re broke and left to fend for yourself.

Use your common sense out there. Do your homework before you join anything with anybody. The first question should be, What else do you promote? What have you tried? How many have you tried this year? Last year? If they do NOT have a stable track record, run for the hills. Think about it. If you were an employer and wanted to hire an employee and you get an applicant that has had four jobs this year alone, would you hire them? NO Way! You know that by the time you trained them, they would leave looking for more money! Isn’t that right?

My suggestion, use your common sense and beware of the so called "Internet Guru". They disguise themselves as an expert, but they are really just program jumpers.

This business will explode for you and in months you will have a very good income stream.

 And this one will teach you how to set up multiple streams of income while getting paid to learn how. By following the steps and joining the team, you will be on your way to earning multiple streams of incoe in a few months. Try it out now while the $1.00 special 7 day trial is available

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Who Knew Starting An Online Business Was This Easy?

Who Knew Starting An Online Business Was This Easy?

When starting an online business many people face the same problem, so let's see if we can drive home a point in this article by discussing a specific scenario.

To start a franchise today can cost several thousand, or even several million dollars. Therefore the people who invest this type of money to start their own franchise are extremely committed to the success of it.

They stand to lose a tremendous amount of money if their business is not successful. This certainly affects their attitude towards the business and the way they get up and go to work every day.

Now contrast this to starting an online business. Many online businesses can be started for free.

Others may cost a few dollars, a few hundred dollars, or maybe even $1000 or more. For the most part this is not a financial strain on the people who choose to do it.

Ultimately what happens is the way they work their online business is reflective of how much they have invested into it. People who start an online business for free find it very easy to goof off and not actually work on a consistent basis. They are not committed to doing the work to make it a success.

Even people who invest $1000 to get started may easily give up if they find it harder to be successful than they had anticipated. The reason is the amount they have invested is not painful to them if they lose it.

To contrast that, there are numerous examples of people making a full time living online today. Oftentimes these people were able to start their business online with very little money out of their own pocket. These are people who are committed to making their online business work.

What they are willing to invest is the time that it takes to be successful. Time is money, and if you do not have a lot of money, and you have more time that is the investment you must make to be successful with your business.

People who are able to grasp this concept are able to go on and become successful because they will do whatever it takes. They quickly learn that starting an online business and running it is work, but the rewards are worth it to them.

In summary whether you invest a lot of money or a lot of time, it ultimately comes down to knowing why you started your business and how hard you're willing to work to achieve success.

Go there to learn how to build any business and to get all the support you need to learn how to advertise, make the sale, set up tools such as an autoresponder, and much much more. Best resource site on the internet. Plus, it is also a business which can make you a good living if you follow the 15 day guide to success.

Go here to start a cycler which will earn the money you need to get paid ads out and to fund your monthly fees for your chosen business. Really works, as it has been developed by an honest man, Fred Hill.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Friday, March 6, 2009

Scammers beware

Typical Home-Business Scams


The scammer sets the trap by offering access to a host of companies looking to farm out basic scut work--say, typing a three or four lines of text into an electronic form, over and over again, to fulfill some sort of advertising campaign. The catch: Many of the suckers who pay the access fee (perhaps $100) never get to do any typing at all. Often, either the work opportunity doesn't exist, or if it does, payment might be an entry to a sweepstakes or even some free merchandise--no cash. Another permutation on this bait-and-switch: Users are enticed into paying for the opportunity to fill out surveys for a cash reward, only to find that they don't fit the rigidly specific demographics required to complete it.

Received this today from a friend. Been caught in one of these myself. The opportunities look so real that it seems like a good idea. But then you don't get anything back. I have found a few actual paying opportunities like this though, so I don't believe there is a for sure if it looks like it is too easy, then it is. Paid survey club has given me quite a few that do pay. I am now paying the advertising for my opportunity by doing some surveys.

So the question is: How can you tell a good one from a scam?
My answer is that if you have to pay upfront or join a membership before getting any offers, stand back and watch.

I just found the greatest opportunity in the US and now in Canada. I did not believe it. The question I have for you is: Do you like Chocolate?, if so give me a call.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I didn't beleve it, but here it is!

I was surfing along on the Net and decided to call a friend. Going to Chris’s button, I accidentally hit the wrong skype contact. I ended the call before it got through, so I thought, but the next day I received a call from Chuck. We became friends over the next couple of days.

Then, he asked what I was doing for earning money on the Net. Turns out he has a great opportunity that offers free marketing training. I have found the training very valuable. Because of that, I have signed up.

This is a fairly new launch by an experienced company of marketers. No likelihood of failing in this one. I am impressed.

Here's What I've Got for You
· A LIVE Generic Training Session to help you Build your own Business.
· A site where you can get the latest and best methods from the Best Leaders in the industries.
· Training that works, because they are training and teaching on the same methods which have worked for them.
Here's What It'll Do For You
· 7 Day Money Back Guarantee
· Access to Live Training Seminars
· A members section with many resources
· 5 Hours of Conference Room time of you own
· E-Books on Business & Many Other Subjects
Here's What You Need To Do Next
· Contact me to register for the next LIVE Session
· Go here to find out more:
Coach Elouise
Phone: 604-794-3218
Skype: elouise.lord

Monday, January 19, 2009

Home Business Success Plan

Let's take a look at a list of the major hurdles anyone who is or has been involved with a home business faces on a daily basis.

* Once I joined the program, I felt like I was on my own OR I only have my sponsor (or maybe a few more people) to help me learn what to do next.
* I don't really know who to promote the company to and I don't want to approach my family and friends.
* I am not good on the phone and am intimidated by any type of "sales" call.
* I don't want anyone in my home and I am told that the "living room" pitch is the best way to succeed. I don't want to hand out flyers to strangers either!
* How am I supposed to promote this program on day one when I don't really know much about the company yet?
* I like the compensation plan and see potential in my new business, but I am asked questions all the time that I am not skilled at answering and its making this "NOT FUN"!
* I am not a "Computer Person". The "technical stuff" is a barrier I just can't seem to get around and its discouraging.
* I feel like I got the 'ol "bait and switch" ... once I joined the program, I was told in order to succeed I really needed to spend a LOT more money on web sites, auto responders, marketing materials, advertising, etc...
* The cost of the program is so high that I don't have any more disposable income to properly get my business off the ground.

These are just a few major hurdles ... there are too many to list, but I can tell you one thing for sure, if you have a hurdle in your BBS Global Diamond Elite business, this team CAN and WILL help you up and over it.

Ok, now not to make this sound "too good to be true", but what if I told you that our team has acquired access to an all inclusive computer system that solves EVERY ONE of the above objections to running a home business? Assuming that is true, imagine how easy promoting ANYTHING is when you can show this same system to everyone that you are promoting to? What I mean is that not only can you have all of these problems solved for your home business in about 5 minutes, but every time one of your prospects asks you one of the above questions, you can bring them right here and solve the problem before it ever really becomes a problem!

Let me explain to you what every one of our members get with their membership ...

* MULTIPLE capture and splash pages to market your BBS Global Diamond Elite business. Most of you know that the average custom web site will cost about $150 to have built, then $10 to $50 per month to use to market your business. When you join the Fast Track Team, you get instant access to lots of capture and full features web sites to use custom tailored to you! You can choose which ones you like the best OR use them all and see which performs the best for you. In addition, if you have an idea for a web site that the majority of the team wants too, we have programmers that work for us and will build them for FREE and add them to the system for everyone to use!
* A TURN KEY auto responder system ... COMPLETELY READY TO USE ... with letters that promote your business to your prospects without your doing anything. When a prospect visits one of your web sites and asks for more information, they are added to the auto responder, receive letters promoting the business with your sign up links and the system adds them to your personal contact manager as well as informing you via email that you have a new interested prospect. All you have to do is check your email and there are your people interested in the business! If you have your own auto responder service, or want to get one to write your own letters, our system allows you to paste in your auto responder code in your profile and your prospects are sent to your own auto responder service under your personal control.
* Personal contact manager. Not only are your prospects added to your personal back office contact manager, but you can add your own manually enabling you to run your business from any computer with internet access.
* Getting started guide and first 15 days detailed instruction guide. This guide and detailed syllabus for your first 15 days in the business will give you more than you can probably handle and provide you everything you need to generate profit in your first 2 weeks in the business ... just log in and follow the instructions, it's that simple!
* Huge lists of FREE and paid advertising resources for you to promote your business. We have compiled over 200 locations you can promote your business 100% free. There is NO need to promote to your friends and family. We even provide you pre-printed ad copy to use so you don't have to have a creative bone in your body!
* Full featured support ticket system. If you have a problem or a question with the system or need help with anything, the programmers and/or the "Leadership Council" (a PAID group of individuals who have great success in the business) will get right back to you and personally help you address your problem.
* Team Event Calendar. We use a team calendar to quickly and easily access all the contact and access information you need to make sure you never miss a company announcement, event, training call, online webinar, etc... not to mention that the team holds lots and lots of training and business overviews independent from the BBS Global Diamond Elite company. These business overviews and training classes are available to the public much of the time. This means all you have to do when you check your email and find you have a new prospect is admit you are new to the business, share your comfort with the team and invite them to a public meeting where either the company OR OUR TEAM, including our PAID Leadership Council will do all the question answering FOR YOU!
* Team AND Public Forum Arenas. The meat of our team system is our forum platform. Think of the forum as a great big meeting hall that you can come to any time you like, 24/7 to become engaged in hundreds of current events and discussions about OUR business. We have literally Gigabytes of flyers, brochures, business cards, ad copy, co-ops to become involved in, theory discussions, training, video tutorials, you name it at your fingertips 24/7. If you need anything for your business, the forum is the place to ask for it. You see, our power is in our numbers. The more members we have on the team, the stronger we are. Let's say you have a prospect that has a business related question and you have no clue what the answer is. Well, just send them to this page, click on "Questions ?" on the above menu and post the question ... how about letting one or more of our many members who are business professionals answer that question for your prospect? Isn't that nice? In return, you can spend some idle time addressing questions that hold a personal interest to YOU and just ignore the rest. This integration and direct contact between a prospect and the ENTIRE team is one of our biggest success stories with this system. Not only does the prospect get MULTIPLE qualified responses to their question, but they see first hand that on day one as a new business owner, they really don't need to know anything! After all, the TEAM will do the work for them! This really brings the FUN back into home businesses.
* Video tutorials! We use lots and lots of video tutorials produced by our programmers and by our Leadership Council to teach day to day business tasks. This allows you to watch a lesson over and over any time you like at the click of a mouse.

See you in the team back office!

Thanks for your time!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Start the New Year in a profit zone

I thought this year would continue the way it has been going. start a new site, join an affiliate program, advertise like crazy, make a few dollars then look for another opportunity.

This year has started with a great explosion. I have found two programs that are exploding my income without the long hours of writing ads. I am advertising and actually making money right from the start in both of them!

The first one is call web prosperity.

Do you want to be in control of your financial future? Are you "hungry" and willing to work to achieve wealth, freedom and security for yourself and your loved ones? Or do you look for any excuse NOT to succeed? I'm being direct with you because the program we are about to present is the most powerful, income-generating Internet Business opportunity anyone has ever seen in the history of this industry!

WebProsperity will change lives, inspire leadership, and create wealth and freedom for thousands around the globe. But we cannot make up your mind for you. We cannot give you drive, ambition, and confidence. What we can give you are the FACTS.

It has been developed by top marketers who are millionaires now. This program cannot fail as long as you do your part. And, your part is not time consuming.

The Second one I found is two streams of income. The first stream is a matrix cycler which with a one time payment of $11, will keep your memberships paid as long as you want. The other part is a wonderful marketing pogram that will help you build any other business to a profit situation. For $20. a month, you can enroll, then by using provided tools such as autoresponders, splash pages, emails, paid and free advertising, and more you can explode this business with educational products or any other business you like and want to expand. It works, I have been using it for a while now. The designers are wnderful and very helpful. It is the only place I have ever received so much help in becoming successful on the Internet.
is the link to the main educiton program with all the tools to market,
unostart is not yet live, but will be in about a week. That is the one which will help cover the fees for the other program.

You will make money with these programs. They are around for the long haul and are run by top professionals who are not selfish at all.

If I can do it, anyone can.

Coach Elouise
Skype elouise.lord