Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday blues can be beaten.

I suspect few would suggest their Monday Mornings to flow
like a good melody. Most would confess that they usually find
a form of madness invades their Mondays as they transition
from the weekend. We have scores of "to dos" lined up for us
at work (the list always grows over the weekend) and Monday
morning is when we find out there is grass to cut, soccer players
to deliver (and pick up), permission forms to sign, band practice
to help with, Aunt Alice needs to be taken to the doctor, and on
and on and on. No wonder we get up tight. We see to many
demands and not enough time.

This "Monday morning crunch" can put us in a low energy
state. We can find ourselves feeling anxious, fearful, defensive,
resentful, and even angry. If we allowed the weekend to be just
as demanding, we can find ourselves feeling exhausted,
hopeless, defeated and burned out before the work week even
starts. If this describes you, how engaged at work will you be?
Will you be productive, energized, and creative? It's doubtful.

So what can you do to optimize your weekend to help ensure
you arrive on Monday in a high-energy state? Is it possible to
feel relaxed, peaceful, even tranquil when Monday morning
rolls around? Can you arrive at work invigorated, confident
even joyful?

It's not only possible but also can even become
"likely" if you learn to use your weekend to renew your energy.
The weekend should be a time to recharge your batteries so that
you can come alive on Monday. And it doesn't mean you have
to get 24 hours of sleep. In fact you may go to bed on Sunday
physically exhausted and still wake up ready to go. The secret
is learning how to disengage from work and the demands of a
busy life style and spend the weekend engaged in activities of

The weekend will be a time for renewal if you participate in activities that take your mind completely away from the business worries. Have fun. Play with the kids (or the grandkids). Come back to work on Monday refreshed and ready to tackle the tasks that await. Also, be careful not to allow the needs of others to become problems, fit them in without stressing about the other items on your to do list. Mondays can be good days too!

Coach Elouise

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